Beluco de Souza's profile

Gundanas: Portraits of the Afrofuturism

Gundanas: Portraits of the Afrofuturism
As a kid raised in Brazil during the 1990s, anime was an integral part of my childhood,
but Gundam remained a hidden gem, absent from Brazilian television.
It wasn't until my adulthood, in my thirties, that I stumbled upon Mobile Suit Gundam online, drawn by its captivating storytelling and intricate universe. What really caught my attention were the helmets and aesthetics of the mechas, evoking nostalgia for the giant robots in Tokusatsu, a genre I've always been passionate about.

Gundam's portrayal of a future where advanced technology intersects with complex social and political issues sparked a sense of wonder within me, igniting my imagination like never before. Themes of resilience, hope, and the triumph of the human spirit resonated deeply with me, inspiring me to explore similar ideas in my creative endeavors.

This newfound fascination with Gundam led me to delve into Afrofuturism, a genre blending science fiction, fantasy, and African culture to envision a future where diversity and inclusion thrive. Inspired by Gundam's aesthetics, I began infusing my illustrations with vibrant colors, futuristic elements, and cultural motifs, celebrating both my love for science fiction and my cultural heritage.

Afrofuturism became a canvas for me to honor my ancestors, who fought for freedom in the past. Through my artwork, I pay tribute to their resilience and strength, depicting Black people as warrior figures. Unfortunately, I struggle to envision a future where our people are not called upon to fight for justice and equality. Each piece I create serves as a reminder of our heritage and a call to arms for future generations. It's an invitation to children to embrace their cultural legacy and prepare themselves for the ongoing battle ahead.

In conclusion, my journey from discovering Gundam to embracing Afrofuturism in my illustrations has been transformative. Through Gundam, I found inspiration to explore new creative horizons and reimagine the future in ways that celebrate diversity and resilience. As I continue to create, I am committed to advocating for positive change, recognizing that this transformation must be led by Black women. I aspire to use my art as a tool for empowerment and to amplify the voices of marginalized communities, guiding us towards a brighter and more equitable future.

Thank You.
Gundanas: Portraits of the Afrofuturism


Gundanas: Portraits of the Afrofuturism
